
In a first step it is crucial to develop a thorough understanding of the client’s objectives.  Who are the key decision makers internally and externally?  What are the client’s goals but also limitations?    

Having determined my client's need I assist in identifying M&A opportunities which can have various objectives such as market consolidation, new market entry or market exit.

The assessment of the prospective targets or partners is generally based on criteria such as market potential, strategic fit, valuation, risk assessment and availability.  

Various transaction structures will be evaluated ranging from strategic alliance, joint venture, minority stake acquisition or majority takeover.

Once a suitable target has been identified, the ideal approach to the company and/or the shareholders will have to be determined. 

I will assist with the preparation of any introduction material, approach letter or letter of intent as well as the set up of initial meetings and site visits.

I will also accompany clients to trade fairs, industry events and exhibitions and support them in the discussion with prospective partners.